Welcome to the GDPE Blog!

About: This blog space is committed to supporting graduate students as they navigate their numerous personal, professional, and academic roles. Here, we highlight our passion projects, challenges we face and how we address them, critical reflections on difficult conversations to have, and resources that have helped us with our productivity, mental and physical health, or skill development.

Who We Are: Blog posts are all written by GDPE graduate students who come from 8 Colleges and 21 Departments across CSU. These entries sometimes remain anonymous to protect the privacy of our students while also allowing them to write about their opinions and experiences. 

Comment Policy: While we host this space to encourage discussions and reflections on various topics, we have limited capacity to moderate all comments that come through. Therefore, we have chosen to disable comments, and instead request that supporting pieces or rebuttals are written as follow-up posts. 


Interested in submitting your own post or ideas for a post? Contact Sci-Comm Fellow Josie Otto at [email protected]