Graduate Assistantships
GDPE is dedicated to helping support our students through various funding opportunities. Regular opportunities include Research Grants (due the second Tuesday in Sept. and Feb.) and Travel & Training Grants due the fourth Tuesday in Sept. and Feb.). There are also several Graduate Assistantships available each year. Please refer to the appropriate sections for details.
Please contact our Assistant Director, Jennifer Neuwald, if you have any questions.
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LIFE 102/103 Graduate Teaching Assistantship
We accept applications from current GDPE students for LIFE102/103 Graduate Teaching Assistantships (GTA) for Fall and Spring positions. The course assignment will depend on the background and qualifications of the candidate, as well as where help is needed most.
Candidates will be evaluated based on:
- Demonstrated financial need
- Successful progress toward a MS or PhD degree
- Ability to teach undergraduate core Life Science labs in the Biology Department
Students with clearly demonstrated need and/or who are near the end of their academic training are given priority, followed by students who have not received this position in the past. All interested students who are currently enrolled in the program are encouraged to apply.
How to Apply
Please submit the relevant components below:
- Application Form
Will include a brief Statement of Interest and justification of Financial Need. Name your file using the format: Lastname_Firstname_GDPE LIFE 102/103 Application - Letter of Support from your major advisor (sent separately)
Ask your major advisor to email a letter of support to Dr. Jennifer Neuwald ([email protected]). Double check with them as we approach the deadline to confirm they have submitted this!
LIFE 102/103 GTA Application Submission
ECOL Teaching Fellowship
The purpose of this program is to provide opportunities for more senior GDPE students to gain meaningful graduate-level teaching experience in advanced ecology courses. Our two fall position are for ECOL 505 (Foundations of Ecology) and ECOL 610 (Ecosystem Ecology). Our one spring position is for ECOL 600 (Community Ecology). Note that these are one-semester teaching awards that cover tuition (but not fees) and provide a stipend of ca. $2330 per month along for 4.5 months with standard GTA benefits. Students selected for the GDPE Teaching Fellows Program should be interested in careers that include pedagogy at the graduate level. Thus, a key outcome for students selected for a GDPE Teaching Fellowship will be enhanced professional training and demonstrated experience in delivering graduate-level content to students
The criteria for selection of GDPE Teaching Fellowships are as follows:
- A senior GDPE PhD student, preferably having already passed the qualifying exam.
- A knowledge base and skill set that will positively impact the specific graduate-level course
As a condition of the program, a student may not receive a GDPE Teaching Fellowship for more than one course per year, nor for more than a total of 2 courses over the student’s PhD training period. The aim of this program is to provide opportunities for the most qualified students from across the GDPE. Thus, the program is open to all GDPE PhD students.
How to Apply
Please submit the relevant components below:
- A short (1 page) cover letter indicating:
(1) the reasons for your interest in being a GDPE Teaching Fellow.
(2) your qualifications for participating in this course
(3) your “GDPE status”
(# years in the GDPE program, advisor, date you passed your qualifying exams, a list of GDPE courses taken, and a list of any other pertinent ecology courses completed but not at CSU) - A short (2-page max) CV
Name your combined cover letter and CV using the format: Lastname_Firstname_GDPE_ECOLFellowship.doc
ECOL Teaching Fellowship Application Submission
Science Communication Fellowship
We periodically hire a GDPE graduate student to serve as the Science Communication Fellow and Program Assistant.
The fellow will work on science communication projects on behalf of GDPE with an eye towards ensuring the sustainability of any new projects initiated. Please see below for a list of established duties and potential other activities that include both science communication and program support for GDPE.
For any questions you may have about the position or applying, please contact our current Science Communication Fellow.
The “Sci Com” fellow is expected to spend about half their time supporting the program, and the rest developing science communication projects that the fellow is interested in. We encourage working with other GDPE students to develop projects. Several duties (e.g. working on the website, digest and fliers for talks) are both program support and science communication.
This is a half-time (20 hour/week) GSA (Graduate Support Assistant) one-semester position, which is paid comparably to a GTA (Graduate Teaching Assistant, $2330/month) and covers in-state tuition (likely up to 6 credit hours). There is a possibility of renewal for a second semester depending upon the needs of the program, performance, and the availability and interest of the student.
Expected Duties
- Work on the GDPE webpages with the Admin staff using WordPress
- Attend Executive Committee meetings
- Contribute to our Twitter/X and LinkedIn accounts
- Attend and photograph events
- Weekly Digest maintenance using Constant Contact
- 1-2 workshops or other projects/semester – these could be new ideas of yours, or from one of the lists below, or some combination
- Update the SciComm Handbook
Past Activities
- Youtube Video series
- LinkedIn workshop
- GDPE Laugh & Learn Comedy Night
- Career panels featuring GDPE alumni in diverse career paths
- Infographics workshop
- Workshop on how to conduct effective outreach for K-12
- Hired/mentored undergraduate intern (paid/unpaid)
- Created/updated GDPE promotional video
- Created/updated FRSES promotional video
- Set up FRSES Ramfunder
- Alumni newsletters
- GDPE highlighted researcher/student
Possible Activities
- Publish SOURCE Articles
- Alumni outreach
- Flyer and other materials development on GDPE and our science for potential donors
- Editing current materials (video, student resources, website)
- Other ideas from the fellow and/or gathered from GDPE grad students and faculty
- GDPE & CSU Writes Workshop Series
- Develop rapport/coordination with different GDPE Colleges/Departments
- Developing a GDPE presence in The Conversation
The criteria for selection of GDPE Science Communication Fellow are as follows:
- A GDPE student in their second semester or later. Our program will likely only be able to cover a maximum of 6 tuition credits, depending upon availability of funds (see call for applications for more details).
- Knowledge and skillset to meet the expected duties of the position.
Students pursuing a career in Science Communication are given preference when selecting a fellow.
How to Apply
Please submit the relevant components below:
- A cover letter (maximum two pages)
a. describe your interest or experience in science communication and ideas or projects you are excited to pursue
b. please address the “Expected duties” above, indicating the experience or ideas you have as relevant
c. please tell us what other funding opportunities you are applying to (for us to be efficient in allocating funding to as many students as possible across the different calls and opportunities) - A 2-page max CV
Submit your combined cover letter and CV using the format Lastname_Firstname_GDPE_SciComm.doc - Letter of Support from your major advisor (uploaded separately)
Please submit a PDF of an email sent to you from your advisor approving your application for the position (just to avoid possible misunderstandings)