Expectations for Student/Advisor Relationship
Student Responsibilities
- Be available and responsive to requests from your advising department advisor. Communicate regularly on progress and problems.
- Be independent and self-motivated in research, and take personal responsibility for learning.
- Ask for help when needed.
- Meet deadlines and accomplish goals established by advising department advisor.
- Manage time wisely to maximize completion of a degree in a timely manner.
- Represent your advising department, your advising department advisor, and GDPE in a professional manner.
- Develop a research proposal that will allow for eventual publication of results.
- Be an active member of the advising department advisor’s lab.
- Collaborate with and help other students.
- Network with other faculty and other students within the university and at professional meetings. Attend and present research at these meetings.
- Be aware of funding opportunities: investigate and apply for additional funding sources for research projects, fees, and tuition.
- Be aware of and take responsibility for advising department, GDPE, and university policies; requirements; deadlines; and timelines.
- Graduate and be successful!
Advisor Responsibilities
- Communicate clearly to the student what the funding situation, expectations, and philosophy are with regard to program goals and benchmarks signifying adequate progress. This should be done early in the student’s program. Conduct and open discussion about publications, authorship, reports, applying for grants to help support research, and fellowships to cover stipends.
- Work with the student to identify a thesis/dissertation top that matches the student’s interests and builds upon their strengths.
- Work with the student to develop a program of study complementary to their thesis/dissertation topic.
- Help the student navigate the requirements for a degree from GDPE, including; forming a committee, writing a research prospectus, planning coursework, completing the GS6, and scheduling required meetings and exams.
- Guide the student through the process of obtaining necessary research permits and assist with research logistics as necessary.
- Encourage students to make presentations about their research often, locally, and at scientific conferences; support them as much as possible but also encourage students to seek additional funding opportunities for attending conferences; provide guidance on how to make effective scientific presentations either individually or in a group (lab) setting.
- Work with the student to improve their scientific writing and enhance their communication skills overall.
- Help students publish their work in appropriate peer-reviewed journals.
- Help establish connections with other scientists who might be useful in the student’s research and future career prospects.
- Provide help and instruction when the student hits roadblocks, whether in research, coursework, university processes, committee selection, etc.
- Be willing to serve as a reference for the student for years down the road.