Students doing Field Research on Mount Rainer, Yellowstone National Park Image

GDPE Graduation Requirements are outlined below. The Graduate School has specific requirements online. Refer to both sources for complete information.

Complete the following for graduation:

  • Complete GS25 (Printable Instructions)
    •  Review your program of study on RamWeb to make sure that all of the credits you proposed have been taken.
    • If there are credits missing, review your unofficial transcript on RamWeb to identify which credits were taken instead.
    •  Work on a draft copy of your GS25 to drop credits that your did not take and add credits your took instead. Note: if you took additional courses beyond those you proposed on your GS6, you are not required to add them to your GS25.
    •  Write in the following for Departmental Requirements: “Completed exit interview” Note: You are responsible for GDPE departmental requirements, not those of your advising department
    • Save this draft to pdf and email draft copy to Dr. Neuwald ([email protected]). You will be notified to make corrections, if necessary.
    •  Once you receive approval from Dr. Neuwald, go to RamWeb and submit your on-line GS25 (info here).
    •  Print out your completed form and sign it, have your advisor sign it, then bring it to Dawn Koschnitzki (Johnson 102). She will review it & sign the “Department Head” line. Note: DO NOT have your advising department chair sign the “Department Head” line!!!
    • Deliver your signed copy to the Graduate School (108 Student Services Building).
  • GDPE Student Survey
  • Graduate School Form GS25B using Program Code ECOL-MS or ECOL-PhD, Department: GDPE
  • Submit the first slide of presentation to Defense Seminar Announcement Upload
  • Submit an event to the CSU events calendar – See screenshot below for visual instructions of how to list event so it will appear on the GDPE and upcoming defenses websites
Screenshot - Event Calendar Submission