Research Grants

GDPE is dedicated to helping support our students through various funding opportunities. Regular opportunities include Research Grants (due the second Tuesday in Sept. and Feb.) and Travel & Training Grants due the fourth Tuesday in Sept. and Feb.). There are also several Graduate Assistantships available each year. Please refer to the appropriate sections below for details.

Please contact our Assistant Director, Jennifer Neuwald, if you have any questions.

Research Grants

Deadline: Second Tuesday in September (Fall) and February (Spring)

We accept applications for small grants (maximum $2,000) to fund GDPE students to support their graduate research towards their degrees. Proposals will be reviewed and scored by a diverse group of GDPE faculty, postdocs, and sometimes previous award recipients.

There are two application cycles:

  1. Fall (due 2nd Tuesday in September)
    • ~2-4 grants funded for research expenses used by the end of the spring semester.
  2. Spring (due 2nd Tuesday in February) 
    • ~2-4 grants funded.
    • More funds are typically available for research costs incurred prior to June 30th.

Evaluation Criteria:

Any research intended to contribute to a GDPE student’s thesis or dissertation is eligible and equally considered. The reviewers use this rubric in their evaluations of:

  1. Quality of the research and the research proposal, including adherence to guidelines and justification of the budget (80%).
  2. Qualifications of the graduate student investigator including progress toward degree, participation in GDPE activities, presentations at professional meetings and publications (20%).

Budgets and Use of Funds:

Requests for grant funds should not exceed the limits of the call ($2000). If the proposed work requires more funding than can be supported by this grant, students should carve out a smaller portion of their work that can be supported by the call or clarify how remaining research costs will be covered. Students are likewise encouraged to apply for amounts below the maximum (e.g., $500 to add a particular analysis) and/or to indicate if partial funding would be helpful. Awarded funds can be used for any combination of costs listed below:  

  • Equipment and supplies for research.
  • Costs of travel to field or remote lab sites or to collaborate with others on research (not to professional meetings or development).
  • Equipment rental for research.
  • Hiring of a research assistant (graduate student stipends may not be requested).


Students at all levels in all degree plans (MS, PhD) are encouraged to apply. Students who have received GDPE research funding should give special attention to the “Previous GDPE Funding” section of the application to provide a thoughtful justification for additional funding. Priority is given to high-ranking first-time proposals above high-ranking proposals of those who have received funding previously. You are encouraged to work with your advisor on your grant proposal. Incorporating feedback from your advisor and previous reviews improves your chances of funding.

How to Apply

Please submit the relevant components below:

  1. Download and complete the Application Form.
    • Provide requested information. Your itemized budget and budget justification are part of the application. Please be judicious about details to include and succinct, but clear, with your information. Please adhere to requested limits. Name your pdf using the format: Lastname_Firstname_GDPE_ResearchGrant.doc.
  2. 2-page Research Proposal (please append your proposal to your application to turn in a single pdf). 
    • Please include a title and your name at the top of your proposal.
    • Include sections for your question(s), hypotheses, methods (including data analyses), highlights of results to date, expected outcome(s), and references.
    • Use no smaller than 11-point font and maintain at least a 1-inch margin.
    • Your list of references is part of the 2-page limit. Consider using in-line superscript numbers and a truncated format for references to save space (refer to Science or Nature for ideas on how to do this).
    • You may also include a 3rd page with no more than one supporting figure.
  3. Letter of Support from your major advisor (sent separately)
    Letter should highlight (i) the quality of your research, (ii) your progress in research and toward your degree, and (iii) any other outstanding qualities. Advisors may also use this as an opportunity to comment on any financial need to complete the proposed research. Ask your major advisor to email a letter of support to Dr. Jennifer Neuwald ([email protected]). Double check with them as we approach the deadline to confirm they have submitted this!

Note: Historically, we have worked to fund as many proposals as possible. Please consider your budget line items carefully to ensure that your budget is reasonable. Please prioritize your expenses and indicate which line items would be suitable for partial support. Also, if you only need a small grant (e.g. $400), you are welcomed and encouraged to apply!

Research Grant Application Submission

Suggested GDPE Faculty Reviewers
Please recommend up to 3 GDPE Faculty who could serve as reviewers for your proposal. Please refer to our Faculty Directory for the list of the current GDPE Faculty.
Please upload the completed application form linked above and title your file using the following format: Lastname_Firstname_GDPE_ResearchGrant.doc
Max. file size: 41 MB.