Student Resources

The GDPE Student Handbook has lots of information all in one place! It is a great resource for all students to have and refer to throughout their graduate career.

Academic Resources

GDPE Subject Librarian

Jocelyn Boice


Every year the CSU Writing Center works with hundreds of graduate students from across the curriculum. Many of those graduate students have requested that we offer longer consultations for work on dissertations, theses, and professional writing projects. We’re happy to announce that hour-long consultations are now available. Whether you’re developing a literature review, working to understand reviewers’ comments, or trying to master a new genre of writing, we can help. Just make an Hour-Long Appointment Request. Questions? Contact us at [email protected] or 970-391-0222.

Show up & write. Drop-in writing sessions provide faculty and graduate students a designated time and place to “show up & write.”

Data Management Made Tasty

Good data management practices are becoming increasingly important in the digital age. Learn how you can improve your data management.

Everything is better with cookies. Especially data

Sessions are focused on coding in R.

Offers opportunities for students, scientists, environmental professionals, and K-12 teachers to learn from our over 50 years experience as a leader in the field of ecosystem science. From these classes, participants will learn cutting edge techniques from faculty and researchers that have been cited over 74,000 times since 2014. These non-credit courses can provide you with skills and hands on experience to take your research to next level science.

Student Support Services

CSU Health Network

The CSU Health Network is available to every student and includes both mental and physical health services.

It is the policy of CSU that all full-fee paying resident-instruction graduate students enrolled in 5 or more credits are required to enroll in the CSU student health insurance plan or to receive a waiver by demonstrating comparable health insurance. CSU does not provide insurance coverage to spouses, domestic partners, nor dependents of graduate students. This policy does not impact the current policy of the University that requires all international students, regardless of enrollment status, to demonstrate comprehensive health insurance coverage through either the University health insurance plan or a comparable plan.

CSU Health Network: 970-491-7121;

CSU Counseling Services: 970-491-7111, available 24/7 for urgent medical health concerns;

Legal Services

The office of Student Legal Services provides legal advice and counsel on a variety of legal issues, including: housing issues, criminal matters, family matters, consumer issues, employment matters, traffic laws, real estate, criminal records, name changes, wills, powers of attorney, and court. The following students can use the services:

  • Full-fee paying students taking 5 or more credits during fall or spring semester
  • Students taking at least 5 credits during any summer session
  • Continuing Education and GUEST students who pay full student fees
  • Intensive English Program students who have paid the special fee

Student Legal Services: 970-491-1482;

Conflict Resolution Services

Conflict Resolution Services assist students with any issue and assists faculty and staff on matters concerning students. They provide advice and referrals to aid in problem solving, coaching, and mentoring to help people solve conflicts on their own, and mediation to facilitate conversation between willing parties who are in conflict.

Conflict Resolution Services: 970-491-7165;