Preferred* deadlines: Dec. 1 for Fall, Oct. 1 for Spring

We offer three degree programs:

  • Master of Science (MS) in Ecology (research based)
  • PhD in Ecology
  • PhD with specialization in Human-Environment Interactions

See the CSU Catalog for curriculum details. Funding is available through faculty advisors and teaching assistantships.

If you are a currently enrolled graduate student at CSU and are interested in transferring into GDPE, please see the details at the bottom of this page.

*We accept applications year-round. If you apply by Dec. 1 for Fall, you will be eligible to visit in February for our recruitment event and for a recruitment scholarship

Application Steps

  1. You must have a GDPE faculty advisor to enter the program, so an important step in the process is to identify those who share your research interests.
  2. Contact these faculty members to express your interest in joining their lab and having them potentially serve as your advisor (here’s a helpful article on how to do this).
  3. Most students admitted to the program are paid salary through their advisors, with research or teaching assistantships, and typically tuition is covered.
  4. Apply here.

Preferred Application Deadlines

To start in Fall: December 1. 
To start in Spring: October 1

Applications are open one year in advance of desired start term.

International Applicants

We welcome international applicants, whose participation greatly enrich our community.

CSU’s English Proficiency requirements are here. 

Minimum Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree in any of the agricultural, anthropological, biological, biochemical, mathematical, or physical sciences from an accredited college or university
  • Undergraduate GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Unofficial transcripts can be uploaded for review, but official transcripts should be requested as well.
  • GRE scores are not required
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • A statement of purpose (please limit this to no more than 2 pages; here’s some good advice on how to prepare your statement)
  • Confirmation from a GDPE faculty member that they will serve as your advisor. Students can apply without a confirmed advisor, but cannot be admitted until we receive a letter of commitment from that advisor.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Successful completion of at least one course in Statistics and one course in Ecology
  • An average GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale
  • Demonstrated evidence of scientific productivity (particularly PhD students)
  • Articulated evidence of leadership qualities

Our holistic evaluation

  • We focus on 8 foundational areas in our initial review, aiming for a broad open pool as possible.
  • Faculty members then evaluate alignment of interested and goals with their programs, and their availability and funding.
  • Find the rubric here.

Submit Application Materials

Enter reference contact information into your application. Your references will be emailed after you complete the necessary steps.

  • To submit official transcripts, contact your previous institutions to request submission of official transcripts to Colorado State University (Institution Code 4075)
  • To submit electronic test scores and transcripts, contact the institution and send to Colorado State University (Institution Code 4075; email [email protected])
  • For any documents that cannot be uploaded, submit paper copies directly to Graduate Admissions. Do NOT send transcripts, test scores, or letters of recommendation to GDPE; it will delay your application.

Graduate Admissions

Office of Admissions
Colorado State University
1062 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1062

Check your application status to ensure your application checklist is complete, and check for updates.

Interdepartmental Transfer Students

If you are a currently enrolled graduate student at CSU who is interested in transferring into the GDPE, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact the GDPE Assistant Director (Dr. Jennifer Neuwald) to discuss your interest.
  2. Submit an application to transfer into GDPE. 
  3. Have you advisor communicate their support for your transfer to the Assistant Director and submit a letter of commitment. 
  4. Your original application materials in SLATE and your current CSU transcript will be reviewed (no need to submit any new materials).
  5. Upon approval, you will complete the GS7 – Change in Department form. Note: site codes and program codes can be found on the GDPE Forms webpage. If you are transferring prior to receiving your degree from your original department, please mark the 1st box under “select one.”

Interdepartmental transfer students are welcomed and encouraged to participate in New Student Orientation events.