Curriculum & Courses

M.S. in Ecology

Common Core Courses: 5 credits

Ecological Subdisciplines: 3 credits

Ecological Tools: 3 credits

Professional Skills: 1 credit

Thesis: 1 credit

Additional Electives, Independent Study, Research, or Thesis: Minimum 17 credits.

Note must have a minimum of 12 regular course credits (courses with numbers 500-581 and 600-681).

Total: Minimum 30 credits

Ph.D. in Ecology

Common Core Courses: 7 credits

Ecological Subdisciplines: 6 credits

Ecological Tools: 3 credits

Professional Skills: 1 credit

Dissertation: 1 credit

Additional Electives, Independent Study, Research, or Dissertation: Minimum 54 credits

Total: Minimum 72 credits

Ph.D. in Ecology -
HEI Specialization

Common Core Courses: 10 credits

Ecological Subdisciplines: 6 credits

Human-Environment Interactions: 3 credits

Ecological Tools: 3 credits

Professional Skills: 1 credit

Dissertation: 1 credit

Additional Electives, Independent Study, Research, or Dissertation: Minimum 48 credits

Total: Minimum 72 credits

Coursework Information

The GDPE curriculum is designed to balance providing the fundamentals of ecology that unite students in our program with allowing customization for each student’s individualized scholarly pursuits. Please also see the University Credit Requirements from the Graduate School.

Curriculum information is also available in the CSU Catalog.
To see when the courses are being offered, use the Class Schedule.

If you have questions about specific non-ECOL courses listed above, please reach out to the department or instructor directly.

Credit Requirement Information

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