CSU uses a system called Slate for graduate student applications. You can review applicant files and accept them through Slate as described below. If you have done that already, you may go directly to the Offer Letter Template & Submission page.

If you do not yet  have access to GDPE applicants on Slate

Non-CSU employees will first need full access to ARIESweb – Log into ARIESweb and follow the instructions to select your supervisor to be granted full access

CSU employees and non-CSU employees with ARIESweb access – Complete the Slate User Access Request Form on the graduate school website.

Search for Applicants in Slate

  1. Log into Slate using your CSU eName and password
    • Use Firefox or Google
  2. Type in applicant’s first and/or last name in the search box
Screen shot of Slate search text box circled in red

Application Acceptance Process Overview

  1. Applicant completes an application in Slate
  2. Graduate Admissions reviews application
  3. GDPE Program Coordinator moves applications into faculty queues as requested in application
  4. Faculty members are notified via Slate-generated emails of applications in their queues
    • If you aren’t receiving Slate-generated emails, check Trash and Spam and add Slate to address book
  5. Accept/Deny an Applicant in Slate (“Accept” means that you are interested in further exploring, but is not a final acceptance.)
  6. If accept was chosen, the GDPE Program Coordinator moves the application into the GDPE Assistant Director’s queue for program review
  7. IF APPLICABLE: GDPE Program Coordinator moves application into the Advising Department contact’s queue for approval
  8. Faculty member submits a draft Offer letter
    • detailing financial support, dedicated desk/lab space, and other expectations
  9. GDPE Director approves offer letter
  10. GDPE Program Coordinator finalizes and sends offer letter
  11. GDPE Program Coordinator processes acceptance in Slate, which moves application to the Graduate School for review
  12. GDPE Program Coordinator emails the GDPE offer letter to the applicant, faculty member, advising department head, and GDPE staff
  13. If the Graduate School approves, the Graduate School emails an official acceptance letter to the applicant

Accept/Deny an Applicant in Slate

      1. Log into Slate using your CSU eName and password
        • Use Firefox or Chrome
        • Do NOT use Explorer
      2. Go to “Slate Reader” at the top of the screen
      3.  Select “Queue” on the navigation bar (screenshot at right)
      4. Click the name of applicant to review
      5. Review the application by using the navigation bar on the left
      6. Click on “Review Form / Send to Bin” on the bottom right to record your decision (screenshot at right)
      7. Check the “Faculty Evaluation Form” box and select your decision
      8. Click “Send”
      9. Return to your queue by clicking “Slate” at the top left corner of screen

Step 3 - Slate Queue

Screen shot of Slate Queue link circled in red

Step 4 - Click the name of the applicant to review

Screen shot of Slate with applicant name circled in queue screen

Step 6 - Slate Review Form

Screen shot of Slate Review/Send to Bin button
Screen shot of Slate Faculty Evaluation form checked with recommend for admission? Yes, No, or Maybe