The Graduate Degree Program in Ecology offers unique ECOL 592 interdisciplinary seminars each term. To have your course considered for this graduate program, please submit the information for your proposed course.

We recognize it’s a challenge each semester to find a time and day that works well with your schedule as well as the students. Please see the table below for times of other core courses taken by our students. Note: you must NOT schedule your seminar the same time as our DE seminars (Wednesdays at 4pm).

9:00 AM ECOL 693-002 ECOL 620
10:00 AM ECOL 540 ECOL 693-001 ECOL 540 ECOL 620
11:00 AM ECOL 540 ECOL 571
12:00 PM ECOL 571
1:00 PM ECOL 600 STAR 512 ECOL 600 STAR 512
2:00 PM ECOL 620 ECOL 600 / STAR 512 ECOL 620 ECOL 600 / STAR 512
3:00 PM ECOL 680A3 ECOL 620
4:00 PM ECOL 571 ECOL 680A3 ECOL 571
5:00 PM ECOL 571
6:00 PM ECOL 571

  • Please only list one email address
  • Course objectives, methods of evaluating student performance, instructor(s) role in grading and assignments.
  • Please enter a number from 1 to 4.
  • Please enter a number from 1 to 200.
  • ATTENTION: To input a course into the CSU system, we need to have a time, location and first and last dates of class. You can later adjust the time and location based on what works best for you and the class. Please just keep us updated so we can have that reflected on the GDPE website.
  • (i.e., are you meeting during finals week or ending class the week prior?)
  • See the table above for available times that do not conflict with other courses. You are welcome to schedule over any of these times EXCEPT the DE seminar time (Wednesdays at 4pm).
  • Please include preference for location (Biology, Plant Sciences, Nutrien, etc.) AND whether you require specific room features (Audio/visual requirements, desk arrangements, etc.).
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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