Looking to get involved?
Benefits of involvement:
- Networking
- Community building
- Preference for Small Grants awarded by GDPE
How to get involved:
- Executive Committee: Election are each Spring, check your GDPE Digest for details
- DEI: Elections are in Fall and Spring, check the GDPE Digest for details
- Social Committee: Nominations are in Fall and Spring, reach out to a current social chairs or check the GDPE Digest for details
- Ad Hoc Volunteering including Student Orientation in Fall and Spring, Small Grants reviewers, Science Communication Seminars: Check the GDPE Digest
Other Forms of Involvement
February 23rd, 2023 Front Range Student Ecology Program is a student-run symposium that provides an opportunity for Front Range students doing research in ecology to showcase their work and network in a friendly and supportive peer environment. FRSES began during the creation of GDPE as a way for students to form community, highlight ecological research, and connect researchers across the Front Range. GDPE continues to support this student-run initiative through advising, funding, and more. However, FRSES has grown to include students from programs across campus.
Multicultural Undergraduate Research Art and Leadership Symposium (MURALS) is an undergraduate research symposium that intentionally reaches out to students of color in various disciplines to expose them to a variety of research opportunities. Mentoring, presenting scholarly work, networking, and learning about multicultural leadership are four main aspects of the program.
The mission of the Graduate Student Council is to foster a sense of worth and comradery among graduate students; to encourage and recognize that a diverse and inclusive student body strengthens our community; to listen to the needs and concerns of the graduate student body through representatives and amplify their voices to the Graduate School.
The Colorado State University Chapter of SEEDS (Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity, and Sustainability) is committed to enhancing ecology education, especially for underrepresented minorities. We engage in various activities with the primary goal of enhancing students’ and communities’ understanding of ecology and promoting students’ ability to pursue a career in the sciences.